A Mi Mismo Conocer Songs

By Geoff Kenlan


Ayahuasca, ayahuasca, abuela del rio Traiga la historia, yo escucho
Gracias mi abuela por la apertura de la mente
Cura, cura me

Chacrunita, chacrunita abuela del rio Traiga la historia, yo escucho
Gracias abuelita por abrir la mente
Cura, cúrame

Acompáñame me al atardecer Quiero a mi mismo conocer

Pachamama, Pachamama madre de todos Como canta la historia vivimos
Gracias por dar el mundo, la vida, la gente
Cura, cúrame


Ayahuasca, grandmother of the river, bring your story, I listen
Thank you my grandmother for the opening of the mind, cure, cure me

Chacruna, grandmother of the river, bring your story, I listen
Thank you dear grandmother for the opening of the mind, cure, cure me

Accompany me to the sunset, I want to know myself

Pachamama, mother of all, as you sing your story we live
Thank you for giving the world, life, people,
cure, cure me
